Shirley goodness and mercy

The sweet older couple that sold us our Airstream stood on the driveway behind us, through the rearview I could see his arm wrapped around her comforting her as she wiped tears from her face. We waved to them as we pulled away, and they both waved back.



March 15, 2022

VIRGINIA is FOR dreamers

When I think about the beginning of us, budding dreams, and where the idea for Uproot and Adventure came from, I think of a 1900’s Virginia farmhouse. It was a quirky place to say the least, no central air conditioning in an area that easily reached above 100° F in July, currently occupied by a large mouse family, and with a locked attic that we did not yet know about. But that quirkiness seemed par for the course because the way we came to be renting that sweet house was a little unusual too.



February 1, 2020